

Managing Datasets

As mentioned in "Terminology: Power BI Integration Concepts", a Dataset is a representation of a Power BI Dataset inside Magento Platform.

The list of Datasets user can see inside Magento Platform by navigating to Reports Power BI Datasets:

 List of datasets inside Magento Platform
Picture: List of datasets inside Magento Platform

Information in the columns "Dataset Name", "Dataset Type", "Is Temporary", "Load Mode" corresponds to dataset properties described in section "General Concepts: Loading Process: Step 1: Creation of a Dataset" of this documentation.

Status column in datasets list shows current status of the dataset. Status column may show the following values:

  • Not Published -- dataset is created, but was not published yet. It only exists inside Magento Platform.

  • Published -- dataset is published and is linked with remote dataset inside Power BI Service.

  • Inconsistent -- dataset is published and is linked with remote dataset, but remote dataset in Power BI Service has different structure (different tables, table names or columns)..

  • Disconnected -- there is no connection with Power BI Service or user did not connect to its Power BI account.

  • Missing -- dataset was published and has a link to remote dataset inside Power BI Service, but it does not exist in Power BI. This could be happen in dataset was deleted from Power BI Service or if the user is connected to another Power BI Account, not to the one which was used during the dataset publishing.

  • Malformed -- some error occurred during retrieval of dataset status. An error can be found in exception logs.

In order to edit or perform any other actions on the dataset, user should click on the dataset's row and navigate to Dataset Properties page. For the simplicity some actions on single dataset can be performed also by selection appropriate option from the list of actions in the Action column.

Dataset Properties Page allows editing the dataset or performing some actions on top of the dataset.

Dataset Properties page
Picture: Dataset Properties page

Listed options are described in section "General Concepts: Loading Process: Step 1: Creation of a Dataset" of this documentation.

User can trigger the following actions from the Dataset Properties page:

  • Delete Dataset -- delete dataset from Magento Platform. This action will not delete dataset from Power BI Service. Published dataset cannot be deleted.

  • Disconnect dataset from Power BI -- will remove the link to remote dataset and therefor will put the dataset into "Not published" state.

  • Publish -- performing the publishing of the dataset to Power BI Service.

  • Start Data Loading -- loading of the data to published dataset.

  • Delete loaded data -- this will clean up the data in the remote dataset inside Power BI Service.

The dataset properties page also includes a section with information about the data loading state. This helps to monitor the loading process and get insights on the possible issues during the data actualization process.

Information about data loading
Picture: Information about data loading state

Depending on the dataset type, Dataset Properties Page may include additional properties specific for the type of the dataset.

Managing Table Profiles

Dataset may be self-containing with all tables and relationships (Sales Cube) or may include Table Profiles that will represent the tables for the datasets.

List of Table Profiles can be opened in Magento Platform by navigating to Reports Table Profiles.

Table Profiles list
Picture: Table Profiles list

Each row in the table lists

  • Name -- Profile Name.

  • Type -- type of the Table Profile. This property is used internally. It depends on the way the profile was created.

  • Created At -- date of the Table Profile creation.

By clicking on the row in Table Profiles list, user can open Table Profile Properties page.

Table Profile
Picture: Table Profile properties

User can change the following properties of Table Profile:

  • Profile name -- name of the Table Profile for internal reference (used only inside Magento Platform)

  • Profile type -- the type of Table Profile. Different types connect to different data sources

Also, Table Profile details page may list additional properties depending on its type.

Managing Dataset Tables and Relationships

Dataset Tables -- assigning Table Profiles to Datasets

In order to deliver the data from Table Profile into Power BI, this Table Profile must become a part of a dataset.

Managing Dataset Tables
Picture: Managing Dataset Tables

On Dataset Details page, tab "Tables", the Table Profiles could be assigned to a dataset. Together with the assignment, a name should be given to the table. This is the name that will be used in Power BI. It is possible to include the same Table Profile several times into the same Dataset under different names.

Table Relationships

Relationships between tables are needed to get the most from Power BI. Relationships help to automate cross filtering behavior and aggregations of data that is located in different tables.

Relationships are specified on Dataset Details page, tab "Relationships".

Managing Table Relationships within a dataset
Picture: Managing Table Relationships within a dataset