

Step 1: Purchase the license

Please, use the website https://insightsready.com or https://marketplace.magento.com/ to find the license for the extension's package matching your needs. Products and their descriptions could be found through the Products page on the website. Do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you need an advice since we offer different packages for customer with diverse needs. Please, add the License to your cart and follow the instructions on the website to complete your order.

During the making of the order, you might be asked to confirm that you have read and agree with the license conditions and other related documents. Once the order will be placed, license will be added to the list of licenses, but will stay in status "Pending" before it will be confirmed.

List of licenses you own can be found on Account page on https://insightsready.com under menu "My Licenses":

Insights Ready Account -- My Licenses
Picture: Insights Ready Account -- My Licenses page

After an order has been made it should be internally reviewed. Once the order will pass the review, the invoice will be issued and the corresponding license will become "Active":

Step 2: Configure Website

Each License needs to be assigned to Website. List of Websites can be managed on the Account page on https://insightsready.com, menu item "My Websites":

Insights Ready Account - My Websites
Picture: Insights Ready Account - My Websites page

Press button "Add new Website" to start adding a new Website:

Insights Ready Account - New client website creation
Picture: Insights Ready Account - New client website creation form

Step 3: Assign License to Website

Once Website is configured, it will be possible to assign the purchased License to this Website.

Navigate to "My Licenses" on Accounts page and click "Assign to Website". This will open the page with Website Assignment Form:

Insights Ready Account --License details
Picture: Insights Ready Account --License details page

Select the Website and click on "Submit" to finish the assignment. After the first time, a License gets purchased and assigned to a Website, there will be a License Key generated automatically. At this moment, the new license starts its validity period.
