A graphic illustrating the pricing options for Power BI, Power BI Embedded, and Power BI Integration Extension, with a price tag symbol highlighting costs.

Understanding the pricing of Power BI, Power BI Embedded, and the Power BI Integration Extension is crucial for businesses looking to leverage these powerful tools for data analytics and visualization. This article explores the costs associated with each component and how they integrate to provide comprehensive business intelligence solutions.

Power BI Pricing

Understanding the pricing of Power BI
Picture: Understanding the pricing of Power BI

Power BI offers various pricing options tailored to different business needs. Heres a breakdown of the main plans:

  1. Power BI Free

    • Cost: $0 per user/month
    • Features: Basic features suitable for personal use and exploration, including data preparation and visualization, sharing reports, and creating dashboards.
  2. Power BI Pro

    • Cost: $13.70 per user/month
    • Features: Includes all Free features plus additional capabilities such as sharing and collaboration, mobile access, and integration with other Microsoft services. Suitable for teams and organizations.
  3. Power BI Premium (Per User)

    • Cost: $27.50 per user/month
    • Features: Includes all Pro features with added benefits like AI capabilities, advanced data preparation, and larger data storage and capacity. Ideal for larger organizations needing advanced analytics.
  4. Power BI Premium (Per Capacity)

    • Cost: Starting at $6,858.10 per capacity/month
    • Features: Provides a dedicated capacity for a greater number of users and data workloads. Includes all Premium per user features with enhanced performance and scalability. Suitable for large-scale deployments.

Power BI Embedded Pricing

Power BI Embedded is designed for embedding Power BI content into applications. Its pricing model is based on the node type chosen and the number of nodes deployed. Here are the details:

Node Type Virtual Cores Memory Price
A1 1 3 GB RAM $1.0081/hour
A2 2 5 GB RAM $2.0081/hour
A3 4 10 GB RAM $4.0242/hour
A4 8 25 GB RAM $8.0565/hour
A5 16 50 GB RAM $16.121/hour
A6 32 100 GB RAM $32.2506/hour
A7 64 200 GB RAM N/A
A8 128 400 GB RAM N/A

For more detailed pricing information, visit the Power BI Embedded Pricing page.

Power BI Integration Extension Pricing

Insights Ready's Logo
Picture: Insights Ready's Logo

The Power BI Integration Extension by InsightsReady enhances the functionality of Magento (Adobe Commerce) by seamlessly integrating with Power BI. Heres an overview of the pricing options:

For Magento

Magento Power BI Dashboard
Picture: Magento Power BI Dashboard

  1. Sales Cube

    • Cost: $176 per month
    • Features: Ideal for those seeking a budget-friendly start in Magento sales data reporting with automation, efficiency, and customizable reports. Suitable for businesses needing efficient data updates and automated data processing.
  2. Pro Bundle

    • Cost: $333 per month
    • Features: Perfect for integrating third-party extensions or including fields in Power BI not covered by the Sales Cube. Recommended for a comprehensive trial experience with full spectrum data delivery and flexibility with Power BI.
  3. Ultimate Bundle

    • Cost: $412 per month
    • Features: Best suited for businesses aiming to integrate Power BI deeply into their Magento system, addressing complex needs like varied user roles or data sharing with external partners. Ideal for enterprise-level companies seeking prioritized customer status and the most comprehensive solution.

For Adobe Commerce

Abobe Commerce Power BI Dashboard
Picture: Abobe Commerce Power BI Dashboard

  1. Sales Cube

    • Cost: $211 per month
    • Features: Streamlined Data Warehouse (DWH) system integration within your Adobe Commerce 2 instance for efficient data updates. Automated data processing with built-in ETL logic.
  2. Pro Bundle

    • Cost: $400 per month
    • Features: Includes all features of the Sales Cube plus advanced dataset creation, enhanced data insights, and additional customization options. Ideal for medium to large businesses.
  3. Ultimate Bundle

    • Cost: $494 per month
    • Features: Comprehensive package with all features of the Pro Bundle, including premium support, extensive customization, and advanced analytics capabilities. Perfect for businesses requiring robust integration and extensive data insights.

Benefits of the Power BI Integration Suite

The Power BI Integration Suite offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Enhanced Data Visualization: Integrate Magento and Power BI for top-notch data visualization and analytics, facilitating informed decision-making.
  • Scalable Architecture: As your business grows, the system scales alongside, handling increasing data volumes without compromising performance.
  • Customized Business Insights: Personalized reporting and insights tailored to different stakeholders, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamline operations with automated processes and real-time reporting, improving overall business performance.
  • Comprehensive Support: End-to-end support from a committed partner, ensuring seamless navigation through data analytics complexities.

The combined power of Power BI, Power BI Embedded, and the Power BI Integration Extension offers businesses a robust solution for data analytics and visualization. By understanding the pricing and features of each component, businesses can make informed decisions and leverage these tools to drive data-driven success.

For more detailed pricing information and to explore how these tools can benefit your business, visit the following resources:

By integrating these tools, businesses can unlock powerful insights, streamline operations, and stay ahead in the competitive market landscape.