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Single Area Reporting Solutions for Your Best BI Experience

Single Area Reporting Extensions for Magento 2
Each extension is responsible for delivery of 1-2 reports targeted to add reporting for specific business purpose inside Magento store:
- Admin Activity Log: Meetanshi - adds reporting on activity log sending by emails;
- Inventory Report: Meetanshi - adds reporting on real-time Magento store's inventory;
- Order History: Meetanshi - adds reporting on showing the order data by customer;
- Inventory Sync SOAP API: MageComp - enabling to access and track all stages of your order processing information;
- Order History: MageAnts - adds reporting which allows for all order tracking stages - from the time the order was placed till the item is delivered to the client;
- Custom Product Attribute Export: BSS Commerce - extension allows for choosing and implementing any specific custom attributes by the use of module functions;
- Reviews Import: MageComp - adds reporting on importing the customers' reviews for further reporting analytics;
- Admin Low Stock Notification: Ishank Patel - single reporting solution which adds tracking with alerts when the item comes to an end;
- Order Profit: DecryptWeb - shows a Magento store merchant the profit per every paid order;
- Price History: Mageside - records changes in price history;
- Customer Demographics: CueBlocks Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - adds reporting on showing the customers' demographics;
- Purchase Non-Purchase Tracking: Bridge-Global - adds reporting on purchase/non-purchase tracking;
- Product User Activity: Webkul Software Private Limited - adds reporting on tracking every activity a site's visitor performs on the items' card page;
- Order Status: MageComp - adds reporting of notifying the customer for every order status change via emails
- Insider Growth Management: Platform Insider - adds tracking on SMM campaign results;
- Mailchimp: Mailchimp - adds reporting on SMM campaigns monitoring.
Admin Action Log: Meetanshi
The prices for purchasing Admin Activity Log is $160. The extension enables the option to select admin users in order to send them a copy of login success and failure by Emailing it.
For every such an email a custom template can be selected which will have the relevant information for login success and failure emails.
:MeetanshiInventory Report: Meetanshi
Meetanshi always keep track of time and implement changes to their reporting and analytics BI solutions & tools for your best reporting practices.
The prices, however, vary depending greatly on the embedded set of functions and additional customization features. The lowest price to be paid is $59 nowadays.
Inventory Reports allow receiving custom alerts when the items are close to becoming “out of stock”. It is a crucial feature for every Magento merchant if he or she is planning to expand and to increase the overall firm’s turnover gradually with positive dynamics.
After the fresh inventory data has been successfully retrieved, the extension will automatically transform the list of the products inventory to a grid, thus enabling a user to see the recent & updates.
And after all the analytical procedures are done, your reporting list can be downloaded in CSV or XML formats file.
MeetanshiOrder History: Meetanshi
Show the order data related to products or customers for easily analyzing the data and reports in CSV format creation. The Magento admin can get an idea of product performance proper distribution which will boost further the customers' loyalty.
Order History will cost you $140 where the installation support services included.
MeetanshiInventory Sync SOAP API: MageComp
Single reporting tool Inventory Sync is for tracking all the stages your ordered products undergo before they are actually delivered to the end user.
To put it simply, all you have ever wanted to kn ow concerning the orders' turnover is here in one small extension developed by MageComp. Just pay $39 & and you are now fully prepared for indulging yourself into the analytical and reporting BI journey.
MageCompOrder History: MageAnts
Check the order history of the customer, deliver the right order to the customer, view previous orders in case of return or exchange. Extensions allows see the full information of the customers' orders.
Custom Product Attribute Export: BSS Commerce
The extension is presented as an open source code and particularly it is free of charge. However, if the user has little to no technical knowledge and enough practicing background, the installation process itself can be a very tricky business.
To avoid being trapped in this situation helps ordering the whole package of installation support paying $50. After the payment is received, the developers of BSS Commerce will install and configure Custom Product Attribute Export for you with ease. Now the program will do only the best for you & your income. Details of this Magento reporting extension you will find below.
Custom Product Attribute Export for Magento 2 helps sorting all the applied customer attributes into separate columns in the CSV file while exporting the Magento’s dataset.
The extension allows for choosing and implementing any specific custom attributes by the use of module functions. Moreover, in the module config file a merchant can personalize auto-updating alerts to get them when any core parameter changes.
BSS CommerceReviews Import: MageComp
This single area reporting solution has been created mainly for SMM purposes and customer retention management. Also, it helps to boost the customer’s loyalty by offering a discount for their next if they are unhappy with the previous experience.
All this information will be available for you with Reviews Import by MageComp developers.
The tool provides the ability to manage several stores simultaneously. The extension does it by uploading the CSV file via the backend that imports and exports the product reviews for multiple store products.
Every Magento merchant who will pay $50 will have these vital for BI analytics of today features.
MageCompAdmin Low Stock Notification: Ishank Patel
Prices for this Magento BI single reporting solution start from $59. After the payment is done, the tool Admin Low Stock Notification Extension allows the users to manage the products' quantity easily & directly implement required changes using a standard and convenient Magento admin panel.
This extension works with the Multi source inventory (MSI) and Multi-store is available for all the users with paid subscription without any restrictions.
The analysis further can be accessed in a CVS file format. The program will automatically send your report to your email address.
Ishank PatelOrder Profit: DecryptWeb
The main purpose of this Order Profit Magento BI extension is to perform the following. Order Profit extension after being configured successfully, will add a 'Profit' column in the 'Orders' grid.
This single area reporting solution which is also extends tracking and functionality purposes that will show a Magento store merchant the profit-per-order in the configuration setting tool. The added column is for more convenient tracking and analytics.
Seeing every transaction a customer does per order enables clever businessmen developing the re-marketing program and influence directly the customer's loyalty level, thus increasing retention.
The prices start from $25 including a full free installation support package.
DecryptWebPrice History: Mageside
Here a user will be advised to pay $99 for having Price History single reporting solution tool installed.
Price History is a simple tool with one function. It records detailed product price history in dynamics. All changes are auto updated and, if required, a user may set up alerts and he or she will be receiving them when any data alterations occur.
The installation support management is free but for the extension itself you will pay a price of 99 dollars.
: MagesideCustomer Demographics: CueBlocks Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Customer Demographics extension by CueBlocks lets you create Customer Reports in Magento 2 by the order date, product bought, or even sort and filter your items by category.
Use this Customer Reporting extension to find out the demographics of your customers who:
Getting to know your customers more closer enables you to have a certain influence on their buying behavior decisions. The price for full version is $50.
Purchase Non-Purchase Tracking: Bridge-Global
Purchase/Non-Purchase Tracking module by Bridge Global is a tool to track all the customers who have purchased a specific product in a given time period, and to track all customers who didn’t purchase any product in a given time interval.
This Module helps to list out all customers’ addresses who purchased a certain product to work with further. Starts from $39.
Product User Activity: Webkul Software Private Limited
Using Product User Activity a merchant can easily tracks every activity of store's customers. The store admin can view instantly updated tabular data reports of the customer's actions, movements, and pages they have visited.
The prices for the single area reporting tool solution starts from $120.
Developer: Webkul
Order Status: MageComp
Order Status module helps the store merchants to generate limitless order statuses to simplify the order handling to notify the buyers for any changes in status modification. It is capable of notifying the customer for every order status change via emails.
MageCompInsider Growth Management: Platform Insider
It is a free single reporting analytical solution which helps you deliver personalized experiences and messages across popular channels like Web, App, Email, Messaging Apps and Ads.
This app helps you integrate your store with Insider merchant's platform and deliver hyper-personalized experiences and recommendations to your store visitors. Provides an integration with third party cloud service for analytics & reporting.
Platform InsiderMailchimp: Mailchimp
Set up marketing automation with abandoned cart email, customer re-engagement email & product follow-up email. Track and segment customers based on purchase history and purchase frequency.
After the Magento store's data is delivered a user can view detailed reports on the performance of the email marketing campaigns.
Mailchimp can also be integrated with third party cloud service for best performance monitoring. The extension is free of charge.
MailchimpMagento is now Adobe Commerce
Adobe BI extension Adobe Commerce is a platform for creating multi-functioning management & marketing experience for B2B and B2C. With Adobe Commerce Power BI integration, every Adobe Commerce merchant can load his or her online webstore data to Power BI, thus having it vizualized. Adobe Commerce BI Extension when integrated to Power BI will help to have a clear view on your future business development.