Image for Blog Post Magento 2 Marketplace Extension by Landofcoder vs. Power BI Sales Cube from Insights Ready 1:1 Comparison

Magento 2 Marketplace Extension vs Power BI Sales Cube

Brief Overview

Power BI Sales Cube

With the help of Power BI Sales Cube extension from Insights Ready you can connect to Power BI Service for better best reporting practices. Meaning that you will be able to use their powerful and modern business intelligence tools while creating your report based on Magento store’s dataset. Extension includes a data modeling part that forms a Sales Cube - the dataset where all data related to your sales processes is stored. When it comes to Power BI SalesCube from Insights Ready , 25 reporting samples, including:

  1. Sales Forecasting
  2. Monthly performance report
  3. Related products
  4. Repeated orders
  5. Average order value
  6. Data actualization status
  7. Today's performance
  8. Latest 7 days performance
  9. Orders by state
  10. Average price analysis
  11. Product price change
  12. Sales rule performance analysis
  13. Orders overview
  14. Sales overview
  15. Year to year comparison
  16. Top products
  17. Product attributes analysis
  18. Payments analysis
  19. Workflow time analysis
  20. Sales by location
  21. Age and order behavior analysis
  22. Advanced product search
  23. Products ABC analysis
  24. Customers ABC analysis
  25. Customer based basket analysis

Magento 2 Marketplace Extension

Advanced Reporting solutions for Magento 2 BI when it comes to the Landofcoder team is represented by their Magento 2 Marketplace Extension which provides its users with full reporting and analytic solutions. The solution is mobile friendly. Also, the extension allows you to configure & schedule automatic reports & other important alerts to be sent to your email inbox.

Magento 2 Marketplace Extension by Landofcoder developers has 28 reporting templates, namely:

advanced report

  1. Earning
  2. Order detail
  3. Order items detail
  4. Order by guests
  5. Abandoned carts
  6. Abandoned detailed carts
  7. Customer activity
  8. Customers reports
  9. Top customers reports
  10. Products by customer
  11. Customers by city
  12. Customers by country
  13. Customers not order
  14. Products report
  15. Products not sold
  16. Sales overview
  17. Sales statistics
  18. Sales by customer group
  19. Sales by product type
  20. Sales by hour
  21. Sales day of week
  22. Sales by product
  23. Sales by category
  24. Sales by payment type
  25. Sales by country
  26. Sales by region/state
  27. Sales by ZipCode
  28. Sales by coupon code

To add more, Landofcoder extension of BI reporting in Magento 2 is fully compatible with Google Analytics Platform . It means that Magento shop admin can gather, analyze & compare the data getting it from two different sources using good visual reporting tools, such as bar charts, pie diagrams & tables.

Advanced Reporting Samples Comparison

Even though Magento 2 Marketplace Extension by Landofcoder developers has three more reporting samples than Power BI Sales Cube from Insights Ready, they didn’t have such a valuable report sample as Sales Forecasting. This sample predicts the sales for the next 2 years.

Sales forecast

To narrow down your forecasts, you can use filters by Website/Store/Product Category/Customer Group or their combination, thus making your final reporting analysis look more precise and specific. As an alternative, Magento 2 Marketplace Extension by Landofcoder has two reporting samples of the Sales category. They are Sales overview and Sales statistics. Sales overview sample report:

Sales overview sample report

Sales statistics sample report:

Sales statistics sample report

Using the two and making a fair and thorough comparison between the outcomes of the both, you may finally come up with some sales forecasting predictions. However, we consider that one report that includes everything a user need is much more better for analysis and future decision making.

Workflow Time Analysis Report from Insights Ready

Workflow time analysis reporting template reveals all the processes and subprocesses the orders can undergo

The reporting sample includes the time frames from the creation of an order and all operations that were done with it, such as: invoicing, shipping, refunds. You can filter the orders by website, store or product category

For better understanding of your target audience for developing more profitable promos & marketing campaigns, Workflow time analysis sample has the table with KPI values by customer group.

Workflow time analysis sample

Timelines including the payment information like invoice/refund & shipment data cover the time difference over years with the "drill down to months" feature.

In eCommerce business intelligence as a whole and, of course, to the Magento Adobe Commerce admin particularly, the order-to-cash process is considered the most valuable and meaningful for the future growth and business expansion.

Products Report by Landofcoder

Products Report by Landofcoder, allows for checking a certain product performance presented in your Adobe Commerce market. This reporting analytics data gives an overview of your past product performance, and thus, enables you to develop a suitable marketing strategies for your website for the future.

magento 2 advanced report chart types

In terms of visualization, the data you analyze can be presented in the different charts, namely Line Chart, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Area Chart.


By the way, after the reporting sample chart you can find a block with the valuable analytical data, such as order totals, the number of items ordered, discounted items, refunded transactions, revenue per order, etc.


The filters that can be applied to narrowing down the data to work with are shown at the image below:


By using this reporting example template you may analyze the sales of a certain item in your store taking a time frame of your choice. After the analysis, you will assume what what was driving the sales and what features need to be improved.

Benefits & Peculiarities

Power BI Sales Cube from Insights Ready

Start creating your best reports and dashboards analysing your Magento Adobe Commerce data directly in Power BI Service with the help of Power BI Sales Cube from Insights Ready.

  • The extension allows for connecting your Adobe Commerce analytics to Power BI Service from Microsoft. It fetches your dataset from the Adobe Commerce store to the Power BI engine and transforms it into an awesome interactive reports you can config further.
  • Data updates can be traced in your Magento Commerce admin panel.
  • The reports also can be embed into admin pages for sharing and teaching purposes.
  • Monitor your store's data with free Power BI Mobile App that is available for Windows Phone, Android or iOS.
  • Magento 2 Marketplace Extension by Landofcoder

    Reports can be customized in a few clicks. Change the color of your graphs and charts for making you analysis more visually appealing.


    Use mobile version and email alerts to stay tuned all the time. Also, you may download your ready-made report in CSV or XML file format.