
Sample Report 17. Product Attributes Analysis

Report Description

The report enables a user to analyze sales by particular product attributes. This research may show what product attributes generate more sales, and thus, revenue. For more cherry-picking reports and all our services, please, click here.

Embedded interactive report

Open Product Attributes Analysis report in Power BI

Report Content

First page of the report is intended to help users to select particular product attribute(s) for further analysis.

Product attribute analysis - selection of an attribute

The first report page includes:

  • Filters: website, store, order date, product category, parent product name, simple product name;

  • List of attribute sets: selection of an item in the list allows to reduce number of attributes to particular attribute set;

  • List of product categories: selection of an item in the list allows to reduce the number of attributes to a particular product category.

A record in the list of attributes could be selected for further analysis. Right-click and selection of Drillthrough -> Single Attribute Analysis will navigate users to the second page of the Product Attributes Analysis report.

Second page of Magento custom report presents the analysis of a single attribute. For example, analysis by color attribute will display breakdown of sales by colors. Product attribute analysis - single attribute analysis.

Product attribute analysis - single attribute analysis

The second report page includes:

  • Same filters as previous page: website, store, order date, product category, parent product name, simple product name;

  • List of attribute sets that include this attribute (selection of a record in this list will allow to filter the data for specific attribute set);

  • Bar charts with average price, grand total and net sales values by single attribute values;

  • List of products with selected attribute ordered by number of orders;

  • Sales timeline where a separate timeline will be drawn for each single attribute value.

How It Works?

There exist three perspectives for product’s attributes analyzation in Magento 2 business intelligence:

  1. From a customer point of view, these product’s characteristics are things that have a direct impact on purchasing decisions. 

  2. Talking from a retail angle, attributes help distinguish how stores, warehouses, shelves are organized.  

  3. Manufacturers use the term “attributes” to spot their products’ competitive set on the market.

Probably, the main attributes of every product is its brand, color and price. Commonly, the attributes almost every product has are as follows: 

  • manufacturer;

  • brand;

  • size;

  • weight;

  • color;

  • price, etc.

The aim of the analysis is to predict customer purchasing influencers. Moreover, a powerful Magento reporting extension enables you to see your customer’s preferences and wishes. The marketers’ aim is to distinguish the proper attributes and make up an optimal set of them for the potential buyer.

Product Attributes Analysis helps entrepreneurs find important product characteristics, thus, pushing a customer to pay for this or that particular product. The outcome of the above Magento analytics research is a happy buyer and a certain profit to the company. 

Look out for the Sales Rule Performance Analysis report and read about Power BI Integration with Magento 1 and 2 platform to get more information on how this and other reports can help your business grow.